Showing (701 - 800 of 926 publications)
Published2013 in Refereed Journal Articles
Changamoto za Walimu wa Shule za Upili katika Ufundishaji wa Kiswahili Nchini Kenya.
Published2012 in Book Chapters
Ayiro, L. P. & Sang J.K. (2012). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership – A Case for Quality Assurance Managers in Kenyan Universities, Emotional Intelligence - New Perspectives and Applications, Annamaria Di Fabio (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-838-0, InTech, Available from:.
Published2012 in Refereed Journal Articles
Ayiro, P.L. (2012). Acquisition and Utilization of ICT Skills among University students in Sub-Sahara Africa: A Case of Universities in Kenya. Sage open line journal. Journal of continuing open and Distance Education (2012)
Published2012 in Book Chapters
Lando, A. L. (2012) “Christian Higher Institutions of Learning in Africa as Model Sites of Tolerance, Co-existence and Peace: A Case Study of Daystar University and The Catholic University of Eastern Africa” in Bwangatto, A. J (ed) Africa is Not Destined to Die: Signs of Hope and Renewal. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa; pp. 254-278
Published2012 in Journals
Murimi Susan: Roho Christianity: Beginnings and Development of Pentecostalism in Kenya (1910-1948); Roho Christianity Symposium, 6th – 9th December 2012; Carmelite Centre
Published2012 in Book Chapters
“Of Penguins and Immigrants” book chapter in Walking Together: Christian Thinking and Public Life in South Africa, edited by Joel Carpenter. Abilene, Texas: ACU Press, 2012.
Published2012 in Journals
Musya (2012). Kairos’ Theology in Apartheid South Africa. Church Society-Churchman Journal, Vol 126. Available at
Published2012 in Journals
Ayuya, Caroline (2012). “Peace and Reconciliation: Psychological Recovery and steps toward peaceful elections in Kenya.” Kenya Psychological and Counseling Association. Also presented in KPCA conference.
Published2012 in Journals
Ndetei DM, Muriungi S.K., Owoso A, Mutiso VN, Mbwayo AW, Khasakhala LI, Barch DM, Mamah D. Prevalence and characteristics of psychotic-like experiences in Kenyan youth. Psychiatric Res- .Epub 2012 Mar 2730; 196(2-3):235-42
Published2012 in Journals
Daniel Mamah, Akinkunle Owoso, Anne Mbwayo, Mutiso V., Muriungi S. K., Khasakhala L. et al. Classes of Psychotic Experiences in Kenyan Children and Adolescents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. DOI 10.1007/s 1057-012-0339-5
Published2012 in Book Chapters
James, N., & Mwiti, G. K. (2012). Counseling and Psychotherapy in Sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, & Uganda). Professionalism and Contextualization. In Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy in an International Context. Roy Moodley, Uwe P. Gielen, & Rosa Wu (Eds) New York: Routledge.
Published2012 in Refereed Journal Articles
M. Wekesa (2012). Towards a Sports Jurisprudence in Kenya. Mount Kenya University Law Journal (MKULJ) 1(1):19-36
Published2012 in Refereed Journal Articles
M. Wekesa (2012). Regulation of Doping in Sports in Kenya – Are we on Course? Mount Kenya University Law Journal (MKULJ) 1(2):1-20
Published2012 in Refereed Journal Articles
M Muendo (2012) Piracy in Somalia, The Impact and Analysis of the International Community’s Response. Mount Kenya University Law Journal Edition 2
Published2012 in Journals
Kinuthia, GK., Afolayan, FID., Ngure, V. &Anjili, CO. (2012). Selected practices among rural residents versus the prevalence of Amoebiasis and Giardiasis in Njoro District, Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences; 20 (1 – 2): p 10 – 20.
Published2012 in Journals
GK Kinuthia., MM Gicheru., PK Ngure. & EW Kabiru. (2012). Lifestyles and Practices that enhance Malaria and Typhoid Fever in Njoro District, Kenya. Journal of Community Health; 37(1): 224 – 233; doi 10.1007/s10900- 011-9440-0.
Published2012 in Journals
Ratemo Alice Harriet Mwango, Yang Cuinan, and Atsuko Miyaji. `Improvement on Addition Formulae in Jacobian Coordinate Family", The 2012 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security, SCIS2012, 1B2-2E.
Published2012 in Journals
James Kisia, Florence Nelima, David Odhiambo Otieno, Kioko Kiilu, Wamalwa Emmanuel, Salim Sohani, Kendra Siekmans, Andrew Nyandigisi, Willis Akhwale, Factors associated with utilization of Community Health Workers in improving access to malaria treatment among children in Kenya, Malaria journal, July 2012, 11: 248, doi 10.1186/1475-2875-11-248
Published2012 in Journals
Wachira, M. (2012). Workplace Spirituality: The Missing Dimension in the Balanced Scorecard. Nairobi: Daystar University Centre for Research, Publications and Consultancy: Working Paper.
Published2012 in Books
Wamulama, O., Wambua, B., & Akombo, A.S. (2012). Secondary Breakthrough Workbook English, Form 3. Nairobi, Kenya: Moran Publishers LTD.
Published2012 in Journals
Arjoon, R., Botes, M., Chesang, L. K., & Gupta, R. (2012). The long- run relationship between inflation and real stock prices: Empirical evidence from South Africa.Journal of Business Economics and Management, 13 (4), 600-613.
Published2012 in Journals
Chesang, L. K., & Naraidoo, R. (2012). Broad versus targeted government spending and fiscal response. Department of Economics Working paper series, University of Pretoria
Published2012 in Book Chapters
Muthomi J. & Bowen M. (2012), Levels of External Contact and Communication for Children in Institution Care in Nairobi, Kenya, in Our Children, Our Being.
Published2012 in Journals
Karanja R. and Bowen M. (2012) Student Indiscipline and Academic Performance in Public Schools in Kenya, Daystar University Working Paper
Published2012 in Journals
Waithima, A. (2012) Religiosity and individual-level corruption: European Scientific Journal. 8(20) pp. 62-80 Working paper
Published2012 in Journals
Waithima, A (2012) Ruin is now the destiny of every Kenyam, unless we change course. Daily Nation 4th August 2012.
Published2012 in Journals
Review of Postcolonial Francophone Autobiographies: From Africa to the Antilles by Edgar Sankara. Postcolonial Text, vol. 7, no. 4, 2012.
Published2011 in Books
Gichure, P. I., Lando, A.L & Kanakulya, J. B. (2011) eds. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century Challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John. C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Published2011 in Book Introduction
Gichure, P. I., Lando, A.L & Kanakulya, J. B. (2011). “Introduction” in Gichure, P. I., Lando, A.L & Kanakulya, J. B. (2011) eds. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century Challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John. C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa; P. vii.
Published2011 in Book Chapters
Lando, A. L. (2011) “Who do the People say that I am? Perceptions of Rev. Prof. John C. Maviiri by The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Community” in Gichure, P.I, Lando, A. L. & Kanakulya, J.B. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa; pp. 17-40
Published2011 in Book Chapters
Lando, A. L. (2011) “ Living the Catholic Identity in Non-Catholic Universities: Guidelines Derived from the Believed and Lived Experience of Rev. Prof. John C. Maviiri” in Gichure, P.I, Lando, A. L. & Kanakulya, J.B. Modelling a Catholic University to Meet the 21st Century challenges: Essays in Honour of Revd. Prof. John C. Maviiri. Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa; pp. 97-110.
Published2011 in Book Chapters
Response to “Children as Signs of the Kingdom of God: A Challenge to Us All” by Keith White in Now and Next: A Compendium of Papers Presented at the Now and Next Theological Conference on Children, Nairobi, Kenya, March 9-12, 2011.
Published2011 in Book Chapters
“Children as Signs of the Kingdom of God: A Challenge to Us All” presented at the Now and Next Theological Conference on Children, Nairobi, Kenya March 9-12, 2011.
Published2011 in Journals
Musya (2011). Inculturation of the Eucharist In Africa: A case study of Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.
Published2011 in Journals
Francis E. A. Owakah & Daniel Robert Aswani (2011). “The Ethics of Deontology in Corporate Communication,” in Thought and Practice. Vol.3(1) (June 2011) 115-129.
Published2011 in Journals
Ayuya, caroline (2011). “Challenges facing Social workers in Kenya”. European Union Publication. Also presented in Conference by European Union in Congo Brazaville
Published2011 in Journals
Kinuthia, G.K., Kiarie- Makara, M.W., Gicheru, M. M., Kabiru, E.W., Dong- Kyu, L. (2011). The relationship between control of parasitic infections and poverty levels: a case study of Njoro district, Kenya. Kosin University Journal of Health Sciences 1: 77 - 95.
Published2011 in Journals
Martha Kiarie-Makara Joo-Oh KANG1, Dong Kwan JEONG, Dong-Kyu and LEE, Hyesook KANG (2011). Field efficacy and non-target effects of temephos granules against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) and microorganisms in septic tanks in Busan, Republic of Korea. Journal of Entomological research 41(2):60-65
Published2011 in Journals
Dong-Kyu, L., Kiarie-Makara, M.W. (2011). The effects of temperature differentials on the life cycle of the West Nile Fever Transmitting mosquito, Culex pipiens pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae). The Entomological Society of Korea; Entomological research 42 (2):146-154. (Korean language option
Published2011 in Journals
Kiarie- Makara, M.W., Olumbe, K. R. (July 2011). Effects of mentoring and inculcating Life Skills to University students: A Case Study of Daystar University, Pre-University Programme. A paper presented at the International conference on Education at the Kenyatta University Conference Centre; 20th – 22nd July 2011, Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya (Conference Paper)
Published2011 in Journals
Research and Grants proposal writing workshop at Chiromo campus of the University of Nairobi organized by DAAD and NCST under the auspice of DAAD alumni in Kenya. Held on 22-24th August 2011
Published2011 in Journals
Ngure Veronica, Simiyu Gelas, Sitati Noah, Kinuthia Geoffrey, & Shisia Silvanus. (2011). Monitoring exposure to heavy metals through maize consumption using human hair among adults in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Technology & Socio-economic Development; 1(1): 118 – 125.
Published2011 in Journals
Kinuthia, GK., Lugalia, RM., Mwanyumba, PJ., Ngeiywa, MM., Wishitemi, BL., Tonui, WK. & Anjili, CO. (2011). Characterization and Comparison of leishmania-like isolates from rodents, lizards and sand flies caught at Masinga location in Machakos District, Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences; 18(1-2): 6 – 13.
Published2011 in Books
Obonyo, L. & Erneo Nyakundi. (2011). Journalists and the rule of law. Nairobi: ICJ
Published2011 in Book Chapters
Challenges facing the Media, in Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation: Building a Progressive Kenya. Nairobi: Kofi Anan Foundation, December 2011
Published2011 in Book Chapters
Development of Media in Kenya, chapter in Thinking, informing and monitoring change program in Kenya. Nairobi: SID.
Published2011 in Book Chapters
Media and Post Election Violence in Kenya, in Fortner, R. S. and Fackler, M. The handbook of global communication and media ethics. NY: Wiley-Blackwell, April 2011.
Published2011 in Books
Wamulama, O., Wambua, B., & Akombo, A.S. (2011). Secondary Breakthrough Workbook English, Form 2. Nairobi, Kenya: Moran Publishers LTD
Published2011 in Books
Waithima, A. (2011) The impact of Gender, Ethnic heterogeneity and Harambee in corruption: Experimental evidence from Kenya. VDM Publishing House Ltd. Germany
Published2011 in Books
Waithima, A. (2011) The role of gender, ethnicity and harambee in corruption: Experimental evidence from Kenya. University of Cape Town PhD Thesis
Published2011 in Journals
Mwithia, J.K (2011) The Alternative Voice: Opportunities and Challenges offered by Community Media in the slums of Nairobi. – A paper presented at a media training workshop in Haifa, Israel.
Published2011 in Journals
Muraya, J.G., Miller, A.N., Mjomba, L. (2011). Implications of High/Low Context Communication for Target Audience Member Interpretation of Messages in the Nimechill Abstinence Campaign in Nairobi. Kenya, Health Communication, 1-9. DOI: 10. 1080/10410236.2011. 556083.
Published2011 in Journals
Mathematical model for Detecting Diabetes in the Blood
Published2010 in Books
Ayiro, L.P. & Sang J.K (2010). Leadership and Management in Educational Institutions, USA; Lambert Academic Publishing.
Published2010 in Books
Ayiro, L. P. (2010). Social Entrepreneurship: A Case For HIV/AIDS Mitigation in Kenya: Mitigating the Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Education Sector using Entrepreneurial Practices in a Non-Profit Setting, USA: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Published2010 in Books
Ayiro, L.P. & Sang J. K. (2010). Quality Assurance Challenges in the Award of PhDs in Kenya: The Award of the PhD degree by Kenya Universities: A Quality Assurance Perspective, USA: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Published2010 in Refereed Journal Articles
Ayiro, L.P. & Sang J. K (2010). Education leadership in a globalized economy: A Kenyan perspective. Journal for education science and technology, 4(5)15-47.
Published2010 in Refereed Journal Articles
Ayiro, L.P (2010). An Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of Principals in Selected Schools in Kenya. Journal of Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11(6) 719– 746.
Published2010 in Book Chapters
Lando, A. L. (2010) “ On going Education in African universities: Filling in the Gaps in Miya, F. & Mageto , P. Developing Continuing Education in Africa. Nairobi: Daystar University; pp. 11-25.
Published2010 in Journals
Muthoka, D. M. (2010). Women in the halls. Council of Christian Colleges and Universities monthly publication, November, 2010.
Published2010 in Journals
Muthoka, D. M. (2010). Determined to succeed, Output Magazine: A bi-annual publication of Daystar University, December, 2010.
Published2010 in Journals
Musya (2010).Book Review, Christian Ethics in Africa by Laurenti Magesa. Evangelical Review of Theology. Available at
Published2010 in Book Chapters
M.A. Owuor, 2010, Constitutionalalism and Administration of Justice in Selected African Countries/Governance in Africa: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, CUEA Publications, pp. 147-165, edited S. Nyanchoga, P.Ogula, F. Muchoki.
Published2010 in Journals
Kiarie-Makara, M.W., Hae-Soon, Y., Dong-Kyu, L. (2010). Repellent efficacy of wood vinegar against Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes togoi (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory and semi-field conditions. The Entomological Society of Korea Entomological research 40 (2): 97-103.
Published2010 in Journals
Kiarie-Makara, M.W., Dong-Kyu, L. (2010). Tests on the efficacy of wood vinegar from driftwood of the Korean oak to control mosquitoes using Culex pipiens molestus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory. Kosin Journal of health Sciences vol 24: pp180- 191.
Published2010 in Journals
Ireri, J. W., (2010). Laplace Transform Solution of Hydromagnetic Steady Flow of Viscous Incompressible Fluid Between Two Infinite Parallel Plates.
Published2010 in Journals
Geoffrey K. Kinuthia., Martha W. Kiarie-Makara., Michael M. Gicheru., Ephantus W. Kabiru& Dong-Kyu Lee. (2010). Relationship between control of parasitic infections and poverty levels: A case Study of Njoro District, Kenya. Kosin Journal of Health Sciences; 20: 77 – 95.
Published2010 in Journals
Developed BSc mathematics for daystar University (2010) with for concentrations; Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Pure and Applied Mathematics
Published2010 in Journals
Opiyo, MN., Escher, G, Kenyon, CJ, Andrew, R, Odermatt, A and Chapman, KC. "11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 is required for the synthesis of 7b-hydroxylated bile acids in mice." In preparation.
Published2010 in Journals
Rebecca K. Papas, John E. Sidle, Emmanuel S. Wamalwa, Thomas O. Okumu, Joseph L. Goulet, Stephen A. Maisto, R. Scott Braithwaite, Amy C. Justice; Estimating alcohol content of traditional brew in Western Kenya using culturally relevant methods: the case for cost over volume; AIDS and Behaviour, August 2010, Volume 14, Issue 4, pp 836-844
Published2010 in Journals
Collaborator/Investigator in: C Celum; A Wald; J R Lingappa et al.; Acyclovir and transmission of HIV-1 from persons infected with HIV-1 and HSV-2.; The New England Journal of Medicine, 2010 February 4; 362(5): 427–439.
Published2010 in Book Chapters
Waithima, A. (2010) The New Anti-Corruption Czars in Kenya: An Experimental Approach in Miya, F. & Mageto, P. (ed) (2010). Developing Continuing Education in Africa. Daystar University, Nairobi pp 177-211
Published2010 in Books
KAIMENYI B.E (2010). Balanced Lifestyle. A Guide For Happiness, Wellness and Productivity. Faith Publishers Motivational Series, Nairobi, Kenya.
Published2010 in Book Chapters
Facilitating Learning in Continuing Education Classrooms: Lessons from My Teaching Experience, 2010. Published in Developing Continuing Education in Africa. Edited by Miya, F and Mageto, P.
Published2010 in Journals
Quality and Relevance in Higher Education: Nurturing Integral Habits of the Mind. Published in Management Digest – a Journal of the KIM School of Management. Volume 1, ISSN 2074-4730, pages 152-155 (2010).
Published2010 in Journals
Media`s Role In the Society: Watchdog, is It? Published in the MAJAC - a journal of the Department of Theatre Arts, Benue State University, Makurdi - Nigeria. Volume one pages 265-272 (2010).
Published2010 in Journals
Miller, A. N., Mwithia, J. K., Booker, N. A., Kizito, M. N., & Ngula, K. (2010). Kenyan Patients’ Attitudes Regarding Doctor Ethnicity and Doctor-Patient Ethnic Discordance. Patient Education and Counseling, http://www.pec-
Published2010 in Journals
Booker Nancy, Mwithia, J.K. (2010) Challenges facing Continuing Education Learners in Kenya. A look at Continuing Education in Select Private Universities in Nairobi. Perspectives Journal of Daystar University, July 2010
Published2010 in Journals
Musikali, L. M. (2010), ‘Why Kenya should reconsider its ultra vires doctrine in corporate law’, International Company and Commercial Law Review 21(9), 301-304.
Published2009 in Refereed Journal Articles
Ayiro, P. L. (2009). The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS Management across the Education Sector in Kenya. Journal of European Industrial Training- “HRD and Entrepreneurship in Africa, 3(34), 2010.
Published2009 in Books
Theology and Politics: The Role of the Church: Christian Involvement in Politics. Germany: Lambert academic Publishing, 2009
Published2009 in Book Chapters
University-NGO Coalition-Building Initiative (UNCBI) Writing and Collaborative Forum. University of southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA USA August 17-22, 2009. Dissemination of report of the 3-year UNCBI Collaborative Research.
Published2009 in Book Chapters
Post-Election Violence in Kenya: How Universities and Community-Based Organizations Worked Together to Assist the Health and well Being of Vulnerable Urban Children presented at the 8th International Conference on Urban Health,
KICC Nairobi, Kenya October 18-23, 2009.
Published2009 in Journals
2009- Mediating Violent Electoral Conflict: a Case Study of Kenya, 2007- 2008
Consolidating Democracy through Enhanced Electoral Management Body: A Case of Kenya 1992-2017
Faith on the Ballot, Faith in the Ballot: The Democratic Process in Kenya
Published2009 in Journals
Francis E. A. Owakah & Daniel Robert Aswani (2009). ‘Technocracy and Democracy: The Challenges to Development in Africa,’ in Thought and Practice, Vol.1(1) (June 2009) 87-99.
Published2009 in Books
Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, Konrad Adenauer Foundation & Sportslink Ltd, Nairobi, 2009, ISBN 978-996674120-8 at
Published2009 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (2009) An Overview of Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, in Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, Nairobi-Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Sportslink Ltd, pp.1-12, ISBN 996674120-8
Published2009 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (2009). Traditional Knowledge – The Need for Sui generis system of Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya, in Wekesa M & B. Sihanya (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya ,Nairobi-Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Sportslink Ltd, pp.267-300, ISBN 996674120-8
Published2009 in Journals
Kiarie-Makara, M.W., Hae-Soon, Y., Dong-Kyu L. (2009). Repellent efficacy of wood vinegar from Oak tree (driftwood) against Culex pipiens pallens and Ochlerotatus togoi (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory conditions. Kosin Journal of Health Sciences Vol.19 Dec 2009, pp 95-106.
Published2009 in Journals
2009: Michael Bowen, Makarius Morara, Samuel Mureithi (2009). Management of business challenges among small and micro enterprises in Nairobi-Kenya. KCA Journal Of Business Management, 1 (2), 16-31
Published2009 in Book Chapters
Mwakubo, S.M., Bowen M.K., Yabann W.K. and Maritim H.K. (2009), Impact of Transaction Costs and Risks on Terracing in Kenya, In Sustainable Land Management in the Tropics, Explaining the Miracle, Eds. Burger K and Zaal F., Ashgate Publishing Limited, London.
Published2009 in Journals
Published2009 in Journals
Miller, A. N., Golding, L., Ngula, K., Wambua, M. A., Kizito, M. N., Mutua, E., Odondi, C., Booker, N. A., Mwithia, J. K., & Rubin, D. L. (2009). Couples communication on sexual and relational issues among the Akamba in Kenya. African Journal of AIDS Research.
Published2009 in Books
Life’s Reflections: 2009; NAIROBI. TARUMA VISION CREATORS.
Published2009 in Journals
Oladipo and Kiambi, Language as a divine creation. Nairobi: Daystar Perspectives
Published2009 in Journals
Musikali, L. M. (2009), ‘Why Criminal Sanctions Still Matter in Corporate Governance’, International Company and Commercial Law Review 20(4), 133-141.
Published2008 in Books
Visser-Valfrey M. & Ayiro, L.P. (2008). Mainstreaming Toolkit for HIV/AIDS; UNAIDS, IATT/UNESCO, Paris.
Published2008 in Refereed Journal Articles
Ayiro, P. L. (2008), HIV/AIDS Education: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Impact Mitigation. A Journal of the School of Education, Moi University, Volume II, Number 1 (i – xii) 1-26.
Published2008 in Refereed Journal Articles
Ayiro, P. L. (2008), Application of Entrepreneurial Management in the Education Sector in Kenya. The Journal of the School of Economics, Moi University.
Published2008 in Book Chapters
Wrote a chapter on a mission’s emphasis book: “Get dirty” presented as the reference book at the National Missions Convention. (2008)