Showing (801 - 900 of 926 publications)
Published2008 in Books
Lando, A.L. (2008). Integration of African Traditional Media and Modern Methods of Communication: A pre-requisite for Inculturation of the Christian Message in the Local Church of Eastern Africa. Excerpts from Doctoral Dissertation, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.
Published2008 in Journals
Murimi Susan, “The Impact of Christendom Perspective in Western Practice: The Breaking of African Primal Worldview & The Shaping of a New Identity among the Gikuyu” in Journal of African Christian Thought (JACT), (Vol 11.1, June 2008), 50-59
Published2008 in Book Chapters
Article in Perspectives Journal, a Daystar University Publication, November 2008.
Published2008 in Journals
Muthoka, D. M. (2008). The Significance of the Finance Manager's Role in Governing Council Decisions of Private Chartered Universities in Nairobi and its Environs. Unpublished thesis work at Daystar University Library, June 2008.
Published2008 in Journals
Munene, A. (2008). The Gospel and African Belief in Spirits: A correlative Study Based on African Instituted Churches and African Belief in Spirits. Journal of African Cultures and Religion
Published2008 in Books
Olumbe et. al. (n.d) Life Skills Education for Secondary Schools. East African Educational Publishers: Nairobi. (Yet to be Published).
Published2008 in Journals
Dong-Kyu, L., Kiarie-Makara, M.W. (2008). Analysis of the cost effectiveness of Temephos and BTI, larvicides in the control and reduction of malaria prevalence: case study of Jeju Island in Korea. Korean Journal of Entomology 3: 256-264. (Korean language)
Published2008 in Journals
Mutai, C. K., Mburu, F.W., Tonui, W.K., Rono, M.K, Vagias, C., Roussis, V., Keter, L., and Rukunga, G.M. (2008) In vitro anti- leishmanial effect of crude extracts and pure compounds from Acacia mellifera (Vahl. ) Benth. East African Journal of Botany, Vol. 1. ISSN No. 18107826.
Published2008 in Journals
Papas, R. K., Ayuku, D. O., Sidle, J. E., Omolo, O. E., Ballidawa, J. B., Songole, R., Owino-Ong'or, W., Wamalwa, E. S., Nafula, T. N., Martino, S., Maisto, S. A., Goulet, J. L., and Justice, A. C. A stage 1 cognitive behavioural trial to reduce alcohol use among HIV-infected Kenyans. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research in press. 2008.
Published2008 in Journals
Waithima, A. (2008) Egg or the Chick first; Saving or GDP Growth: Case for Kenya. KCA Journal of Business Management. 1(1) Working paper
Published2008 in Journals
Links between communication strategies and personal insurance covers: a case study of CFC–Life (Kenya). In KCA Journal of Business Management, Vol 1, No 1 (2008).
Published2008 in Journals
Kiambi, P. K. (2008). Ashes my signature. Nairobi: Daystar University Perspectives Journal.
Published2008 in Journals
Musikali, L. M. (2008), ‘The Law affecting Corporate Governance in Kenya: a need for review’, International Company and Commercial Law Review 19(7), 213-227.
Published2007 in Refereed Journal Articles
Musembi, P. (2007). The Role of the Church in the Challenge of Poverty Alleviation in Sub- Saharan Africa’ Perspectives. An academic journal of Daystar University, January, 2007 Vol. 1. No. 2
Published2007 in Book Chapters
Chapter on “A Theological Reflection on Death and Dying: Hope of Life in HIV/AIDS” in the book: Towards HIV and AIDS Competency for the Christian Fraternity: Some Pertinent Theological and Ministerial Considerations, November 2007.
Published2007 in Books
Olumbe, R. et. al, (2007). Course Book for Chaplaincy Studies Term Four. THE 231: Principles of Christian Counselling: Nairobi, Kenya.
Published2007 in Books
Olumbe, R. et. al, (2007). Course Book for Chaplaincy Studies Term Four. THE 232: Counselling and Drug Abuse: Nairobi, Kenya.
Published2007 in Books
Olumbe, R. et. al, (2007). Course Book for Chaplaincy Studies Term Four. THE 233: Counselling and Conflict Resolution: Nairobi, Kenya.
Published2007 in Book Chapters
Thinking scholarship: A reflection on faith and integration. In Kuria, Mike (ed.). Integrating Faith and Learning: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Nairobi: Daystar University, 2007: pp: 92-99.
Published2007 in Journals
Bowen, M.K. (2007), “Risk Management as a Way of Reducing Poverty in the Semi-arid Lands of Kenya” Perspectives, A Journal of Daystar University, Kenya, vol.1 No. 2.
Published2007 in Journals
Waithima, A. (2007) Corruption and Economic Growth in Kenya. Perspectives: An Academic Journal of Daystar University. 1(2) pp 69-83. Working paper
Published2007 in Journals
Chapter on “A Theological Reflection on Death and Dying: Hope of Life in HIV/AIDS” in the book: Towards HIV and AIDS Competency for the Christian Fraternity: Some Pertinent Theological and Ministerial Considerations, November 2007.
Published2007 in Books
Nairobi Christian Single Adults Survey Report. Daystar University Press, Nairobi (2007)
Published2006 in Book Chapters
Book Review in Perspectives Journal, a Daystar University Publication, 2006.
Published2006 in Book Chapters
Article in Integrating Faith and Learning: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Journal “Integration of Faith and Scholarship: A Theological Fallacy?” December, 2006.
Published2006 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M.(2006): What is Sui generis system of intellectual property protection? Nairobi:ATPS, ISBN 9966-916-71-7
Published2006 in Journals
Book Review in Perspectives Journal, a Daystar University Publication, 2006.
Published2006 in Journals
Article in Integrating Faith and Learning: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Journal “Integration of Faith and Scholarship: A Theological Fallacy?” December, 2006.
Published2006 in Books
KAIMENYI B.E (2006). Constraints on the growth Of Micro and Small - Scale Women Enterprises in North and Central Meru, Kenya.
Published2006 in Books
Co-author, A History of Parklands Sports Club, a book published by Kwani Trust (2006)
Published2006 in Book Chapters
Kuria, M. J. & Kiambi, P.K.(2006) “The transmigration of the oral text into the digital age. In Our Landscapes, our narratives: proceedings of the Conference on East African Oral literature in Indangasi, Nyamato &Wasamba (Eds)
Published2006 in Journals
Oladipo and Kiambi, Poetry a divine art. Nairobi: Daystar Perspectives
Published2006 in Journals
A Linguistic Analysis of Cartoons in selected Kenyan Newspapers published in the PERSPECTIVES; An Academic Journal of Daystar University. June 2006. Vol. 1. No. 1
Published2005 in Book Chapters
Wrote a chapter for the book: “The hope factor: Engaging the church in the HIV/Aids crisis” on request by the International Director for Lausanne Committee for World evangelization. (2005)
Published2005 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (2005): Fifty Years After Nueremberg – The Fallacy of Informed Consent in Biomedical Research, In: L. Franscisco (ed). Ethics in Kenya, Nairobi:LawAfrica, pp.94-102, ISBN 9966-7034-4-6
Published2005 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (2005): Internationalization of Patents through Information Communication Technologies, In: R. Bett (ed). Re-invigorating the University Mandate in a Globalizing Environment:Challenges, Obstacles and Way Forward, Nairobi:DAAD, pp.121-130
Published2005 in Books
Ndungu, R. Njoroge, L. Kiambi, P.K. (2005). Macmillan secondary English Student’s Book Form 1. Nairobi: MacMillan Kenya 2004
Published2005 in Books
Ndungu, R. Njoroge, L. Kiambi, P.K. (2005). Macmillan secondary English Student’s Book Form 2. Nairobi: MacMillan Kenya 2005
Published2005 in Books
Ndungu, R. Njoroge, L. Kiambi, P.K. (2005). Macmillan secondary English Student’s Book Form 3. Nairobi: MacMillan Kenya 2005
Published2005 in Books
Ndungu, R. Njoroge, L. Kiambi, P.K. (2005). Macmillan secondary English Student’s Book Form 4. Nairobi: MacMillan Kenya 2005
Published2005 in Refereed Journal Articles
What can Christian Higher Education do to Promote Educational Well-being in Africa?: Integrating Faith and Learning: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Daystar University. Editor, Mike Kuria
Published2005 in Refereed Journal Articles
Organizational Transformation: Team-building approach. Perspectives: An Academic Journal of Daystar University: June 2005. Vol.1, No.1
Published2005 in Journals
A Model for the CD4 Cell Counts in an HIV/AIDS Patient and its Application in Treatment Interventions
Published2005 in Journals
The Performance of Step-Wise Group-Screening Designs
Published2004 in Journals
Aduda, K. & Ohaga, M. (2004).Strengthening ICT Policies in Africa – Governance and Equity Issues: The Kenya Case Study. Nairobi: Africa Technology Policy Studies Network.
Published2004 in Journals
A project on “responses the changes in the external environment in the service industry” A case study of Teachers Service Commission, 2004.
Published2004 in Books
Chandran, Emil. Paul Mbutu, Larry Niemeyer. Youth in an African City: A Report of the Nairobi Youth Survey and Consultation. Nairobi: Daystar University, 2004.
Published2004 in Journals
A Model of HIV Infection and its Application
Published2003 in Book Chapters
Journalism and communication education in Africa. In Chitty, Naren (ed.). Faces of globalization, Varnasi, India: Genga Kaveri Publishing House, 2003.
Published2003 in Book Chapters
Kenya. In World press encyclopaedia: A survey of press systems worldwide Vol.1 (2nd Ed.). Detroit: Gale: 2003: pp. 529-539.
Published2003 in Books
KAIMENYI B.E (2003). Entrepreneurial Characteristics among Micro Small Scale Women owned enterprises in North and Central Meru District, Kenya.
Published2003 in Book Chapters
KAIMENYI B.E (2003). Gender Food Production and food security. An examination if the Utility and Futility of the Theory of Science and the Neoclassical Economic Theories.
Published2003 in Journals
J. Mwithia, (2003). Where is the answer to this monster? (2003). Column Published by KEMRI quarterly magazine.
Published2003 in Book Chapters
Wives/Spouses Programme at St. Paul’s in: For God and Humanity. 100 Years of St. Paul’s United Theological college. Edited by Emily Onyango, Publisher, Zapf Chancery, Eldoret. Kenya (2003)
Published2003 in Journals
A dynamical model for stage-specific HIV incidences with Application to sub-Saharan Africa
Published2002 in Book Chapters
Bowen, M.K. (2002), “Risk and Business Growth,” in Negotiating Social Space (East African Micro enterprises)-Alila P. & P.O. Pedersen (eds.), Africa World Press, Trenton, pp. 291-304
Published2002 in Books
"The Disciple." This is a newsletter of Harvest Heralds Discipling Ministry. Sub-editor and a contributing writer, 1997 – 2002.
Published2002 in Book Chapters
KAIMENYI B.E (2002). Entrepreneurial Human Capital and the Growth of Micro and Small Scale Women Enterprises in Rural Kenya: The case of Meru District.
Published2001 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (2001): The Female Athlete in Namibia. In: Christensen, K., Guttman, A. and Pfister, G. (eds): International Encyclopedia of Women and Sports, New York: Macmillan, pp.786-787
Published2001 in Journals
Mwithia, J.K (2001) Towards Narrowcasting Programmes: A Descriptive Study of Kibera’s Adult Slum Dwellers’ Television Viewing Patterns - MA Thesis
Published2000 in Journals
Munyao J.K. and Nassiuma D.K. (2000), Predictive Models for Nairobi Stock Exchange Share Prices , Egerton University Research Journal
Published2000 in Books
Editor, Call Me MARAH, Commentary on the Book of Ruth by David Oginde, 2000
Published2000 in Refereed Journal Articles
J.H. de Ridder, K.D. Monyeki, L.O. Amusa, A.L. Toriola, M. Wekesa and J.E.L. Carter (2000): Kinanthropometry in African Sports: Somatotypes of Female African Athletes. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) 6:1-15
Published2000 in Refereed Journal Articles
A.L. Toriola, L.O. Amusa, K.D. Monyeki, M. Wekesa, J.H. de Ridder and J.E.L. Carter (2000): Body Composition of elite African racket game players. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) 6:48-53
Published1999 in Book Chapters
Bowen, M.K. et. al. (1999)“Impact Assessment of the WEDCO Enterprise Development Project,” Institute for Development Studies, Occasional Paper No. 68, University of Nairobi.
Published1999 in Book Chapters
Bowen, M.K. et. al. (1999)“Impact Assessment of the WEDCO Enterprise Development Project,” Institute for Development Studies, Occasional Paper No. 68, University of Nairobi.
Published1998 in Refereed Journal Articles
J.M. Asembo and M. Wekesa (1998): Injury pattern during team handball competition in East Africa. E. Afri. Med. J. 75:113-116
Published1998 in Refereed Journal Articles
Monyeki, K.D., L.O. Amusa, A.L. Toriola, M. Wekesa and J.H. de Ridder (1998): Somatotypes of elite female basketball and handball players at the 6th All Africa Games. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) 4:1-7
Published1998 in Books
Samuel Muriithi (1998). The Secret Of Passing Exams. Nairobi: FOCCAM. 1998
Published1998 in Book Chapters
Philosophy education in varsity curriculum: The Case of Daystar University. In B.J. van der Walt & Rita Swanepoel (Eds.), Signposts Vol. 1. Potchefstroom: IRS, 1998.
Published1998 in Books
Mbutu, P. M. et al. Nairobi Youth Survey, A Summary Report: Challenge to the Churches. Nairobi: Daystar University, 1998.
Published1998 in Refereed Journal Articles
Governance and Mass Media Constructed Realities in East Africa. Co-author ed with Stephen Njenga. Perspectives: An Academic Journal of Daystar University: December 1998 Vol.2
Published1998 in Refereed Journal Articles
A Community Awakens from Stupor: The Jitegemea Story. Perspectives: An Academic Journal of Daystar University: Vol. 2. No.1.
Published1997 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (1997): The management of sports injuries in High Schools in Kenya: Implications for Physical Education Programmes in Botswana. In: Owolabi, E.O. et al. : Physical Education in Botswana Schools and Colleges. Gaborone: University of Botswana, pp.158-167, ISBN 978- 32467-3-9
Published1997 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. and J.M. Asembo (1997): Evaluation of physical fitness of top Kenyan soccer referees and linesmen on the Cooper test. In: Amusa, L.O., M. Wekesa and A.L. Toriola (eds): The Making of an African Athlete:A multidimensional Approach. Gaborone:AFAHPER-SD, pp.60-65, ISBN 987-32467-2-0
Published1997 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M., L.O. Amusa, T.L. Adolph, B. Kalui, E. Busang and K. Thaga (1997): Gender differences in leisure and recreation patterns of young Batswana. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 3:196-210.
Published1997 in Refereed Journal Articles
Njororai, M. Wekesa, J.M. Asembo and G.K. Kiganjo (1997): The effectiveness of Physical Education lessons in improving fitness levels in University students. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 3: 27-38.
Published1997 in Books
Niemeyer, Larry & Judy (Editors). The Discipling Network: Continuing a Quiet Obedience. Nairobi: Harvest Heralds Inc. 1997. I am the author of chapter 9 (Leadership) and chapter 10 (Evaluation).
Published1997 in Journals
Interpretation of Christianity. In Perspectives, an Academic Journal of Daystar University. 1997.
Published1997 in Refereed Journal Articles
Television and The Shaping of Culture in Kenya. A Case Study of Nairobi Youth Usage of Foreign TV Programming. Perspectives: An Academic Journal of Daystar University. Vol.1, No. 1.
Published1997 in Refereed Journal Articles
Communication Consumerism and Gender: A Kenyan Example - Co-author. Perspectives: An Academic Journal of Daystar University: Vol. 1. No. 2
Published1996 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (1996): Grassroots Sports in Botswana Sports Development. In Owolabi, E.O and Adolph, T.L. (eds): Sports in Botswana - The way forward. Gaborone: University of Botswana, pp.52-57, ISBN 978-324-67-1-2
Published1996 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M., J.M. Asembo, W.W.S. Njororai and E. Madaga (1996): A study of hockey injuries in Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:185-194
Published1996 in Refereed Journal Articles
Amusa, L.O., A.P. Agbonjinmi and M.Wekesa (1996): Hematological studies in University athletes. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:48- 53
Published1996 in Refereed Journal Articles
Kilonzi, L. and M.Wekesa (1996): Music therapy among the Akamba of Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:135-142
Published1996 in Refereed Journal Articles
Ngotho, S.N. and M. Wekesa (1996): The use of music therapy by the Agikuyu of Kenya. Afri. Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance 2:61-64.
Published1996 in Books
Samuel M. Muriithi (1996). African Development Dilemma: The Big Debate. Lanham: University Press of America.
Published1996 in Books
The Prepared Harvest Force Ed 1996. Nairobi Publishing Solutions
Published1996 in Books
Challenges Facing Christian Family in 3rd Millennium (Manuscript) by Rebecca Ng’ang’a
Published1996 in Books
Education For Productivity by Rebecca Ng’ang’a (Manuscript at an advanced level)
Published1996 in Refereed Journal Articles
Freedom of Expression in Kenya and USA: A Comparison. African Media Review, Vol. No.10.
Published1995 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M.(1995): A One-Year prospective study of soccer injuries in the Kenyan National Team. Afri. J. Health Scie.2:392-394
Published1995 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and S.M. Gathua (1995): Problems of teaching Physical Education to the physically disabled in developing countries: The case of Kenya. Afri. J. Physical, Health Educ. Recrea and Dance 1:64-69
Published1995 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and S.N. Ngotho (1995): Musiktherapeutische Aspekte bei den Agiguyu aus Kenia. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 6:137-139
Published1995 in Books
Samuel M. Muriithi (1995). African Crisis: Is There Hope? Lanham: University Press of America.
Published1995 in Books
Let the Children Know their Father: 1995, Nairobi. Lisfestream Concerns
Published1995 in Books
Kiambi,, P.K. (1995). A Guide to the Government Inspector. Nairobi: McMillan Kenya.
Published1994 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M.(1994): Injuries in Sports. Medicus 13:313-314
Published1994 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and N.K. Boruett (1994): How are injuries managed in Kenyan High Schools? Medicus 13:315-321
Published1994 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and P.Sack (1994): The Asthma Six-Minute Provocation Test (ASMT) and Mountain climbing in Asthmatic children. A comparison of intensities. E. Afri. Med. J. 71:49-52