Showing (901 - 926 of 926 publications)
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. (1993): Sports Medicine. E. Afri. Med. J. 70:669-670
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. (1993): Injuries and Illnesses at the 7th Africa Feminine Volleyball Club Championship. Medicus 12:8-11
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. (1993): Sports therapy with leprosy patients. Medicus 12:107-111
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and J.M. Asembo (1993): The performance of top Kenyan Referees and Linesmen on the Cooper test. Medicus 12:138-141.
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and J.M. Asembo (1993): Physical Fitness testing of elite Hockey, Rugby and Soccer players in Kenya. Medicus 12:241-248
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M., J.M. Asembo and W.W.S. Njororai (1993): Preparation and Medical management of the Kenyan National Hockey team during the Fifth Africa Cup of Nations. E. Afri. Med. J. 70:671-677
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and H. Langhof (1993): The effect of a three week sports training programme on the coordinative ability of asthmatic patients. E. Afri. Med. J. 70:678-681
Published1993 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and P.J. Rotich (1993): Ein Heiltanz bei den Elgeyos (Kalenjin) aus Kenia. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 4:22-24
Published1993 in Book Chapters
KAIMENYI B.K (1993). The Need and Relevance of Entrepreneurship Education and Training Offered as Perceived by the Private Sector. JKUAT / ILO.
Published1992 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. (1992): Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) after walking. A case report. E. Afri. Med. J. 69:473-474
Published1992 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and J. Onsongo (1992): Kenyan Team Care at the Special Olympics 1991. Brit. J. Sports Med. 26:128- 133.
Published1992 in Book Chapters
MUTAI, B.K (1992). Required Competencies for Entrepreneurship Trainers Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Published1992 in Journals
Development of Learners Strategies for Vocabulary Learning in Newsletter for English Teachers of Kenya – Issue No. 2. 1992
Published1991 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and M. Debelicô°€ (1991): Der Cooper-Test als Erfolgsnachweisverfahren der Sporttherapie bei stationaer behandelten asthmakranken Kindern und Jugendlichen. Praev. und Reh. 3:171-176.
Published1991 in Book Chapters
MUTAI B.K (1991). "Issues and problems that face Women Pursuing Careers in Education Administration ". (Doctorate Thesis). Andrews University, Michigan U.S.A
Published1990 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M. (1990): Die psychosoziale Situation des chronisch asthmakranken Kindes in der Familie. In:Lecheler, J. and J. Fischer (eds.): Bewegung und Sport bei Asthma bronchiale, Cologne:Echo Verlags-GmbH, ISBN 3-926518-25-1
Published1990 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and W. Hollmann (1990): The effect of three weeks physical training on the PWC, Lung function and Co-ordination of asthmatic children and adolescents in Hospital. In: Hermans, G.(ed.):Sports, Medicine and Health. Amsterdam:Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp.1406-1411.
Published1990 in Book Chapters
Herhaus, D. and M. Wekesa (1990): Die Bedeutung von Sport und Spiel fuer die Persoenlichkeitsentwicklung des asthmakranken Kindes. In: Lecher, J. and J. Fischer (eds.): Bewegung und Sport bei Asthma Bronchiale. Cologne:Echo Verlags-GmbH, ISBN 3-926518-25-1
Published1990 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. (1990): Tanztherapie-Uebungen zur Selbsterfahrung dargestellt am Beispiel der geistigen Retadierung. Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie 3:1-4
Published1990 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M., H. Langhof, W. Hollmann (1990): Ergebnisse eines dreiwoechigen Sporttrainings mit Asthmakindern. Praev. und Reh. 2:115-118
Published1989 in Books
Wekesa M: Sport und Asthma:Untersuchungen zum Erfolgsnachweis sporttherapeutischer Massnahmen bei stationaer behandelten asthmakranken Kindern und Jugendlichen. Cologne: Sport und Buch Strauss, 1989, ISBN 3-89001-029-6 at
Published1989 in Book Chapters
Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and P.Sack (1989): Bergwandern mit Asthmakindern: Eine leistungsphysiologische Untersuchung unter Einschluss von EKG-Telemetrie und Peak Flow Messungen. In: Boehning, D. et al.(eds.): Sport - Rettung oder Risiko fuer die Gesundheit. Cologne:Deutscher Aerzte Verlag, pp.974-977, ISBN 3- 7691-0195-2
Published1989 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. (1989): Therapeutische Aspekte der Musik- & Tanztherapie in Kenia. Int. J Music-, Dance- & Art therapy 2:99-102
Published1989 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. and M. Debelic (1989): The recovery HR and PEFR values in determining effectiveness of Physical training programmes and cardiac effects in asthmatic patients. Chest (Suppl). 99:46
Published1989 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M. (1989): Therapeutische Aspekte der Musik- & Tanztherapie in Kenia. Int. J Music-, Dance- & Art therapy 2:99-102
Published1988 in Refereed Journal Articles
Wekesa, M., H. Langhof and P. Sack (1988): Mountain Climbing with asthmatic children: an examination of the physiological working capacity including peak flow measurements and telemetric ECG-monitoring. Int. J. Sports Med. 5:381